The Healing Power of Sunlight: My Journey to a Pain-Free Life

Rohit Saini
3 min readSep 5, 2023


Photo by nasim dadfar on Unsplash


Sunlight, the golden gift from the sky, plays a crucial role in our lives. It not only dries our clothes and nurtures our food and crops but also holds a special place in our health. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is essential for our well-being. In this article, I’ll share my personal experience of how sunlight helped me overcome persistent knee pain, a problem that seemed to have no apparent cause.

The Dark Days of COVID-19:

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill. People across the globe suffered, and countless lives were lost. Everything, from small factories to large manufacturing firms, shut down. However, the IT sector managed to adapt and even thrived during these challenging times, thanks to remote work facilitated by the Internet.

Like many others, I found myself working from home, a situation that persisted for two to three years. While it seemed convenient at first, I soon noticed discomfort in my right knee, and occasionally, my left knee also started to ache. I initially thought I might have injured my knee somehow, but that wasn’t the case. As time went on, the pain intensified, and it began to interfere with my sleep at night.

A Glimpse into My Lifestyle:

Photo by Nat on Unsplash

To provide some context, I lead an active lifestyle. I exercise regularly, avoid tea, coffee, and even cut out cold drinks from my diet. Despite these habits, my knee condition continued to worsen inexplicably.

The Turning Point: Seeking Sunlight:

After some reflection, I began to suspect that my deteriorating knee health might be linked to a lack of sunlight and, consequently, insufficient Vitamin D. Determined to find a solution, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

My Journey to Recovery:

I embarked on a journey to heal my aching knees and improve my overall health. Here’s what I did:

  1. Sunlight Therapy: I made it a point to spend time outdoors daily, basking in the sunlight. This allowed my body to naturally produce Vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and overall health.
  2. Exercise: I incorporated exercises like rope skipping and other low-impact workouts into my routine. Exercise promotes joint health and reduces stiffness.
  3. Clean Eating: I continued my practice of consuming clean and nutritious food. A balanced diet is vital for the body to function optimally.
  4. Proper Sleep: Adequate rest is essential for the body to recover and heal. I ensured I got enough sleep each night.
  5. Hydration: Drinking enough water is crucial for joint lubrication and overall well-being. I made sure to stay well-hydrated throughout the day.

Results: A Pain-Free Life:

Photo by Samsung Memory on Unsplash

Within just a month of adopting these changes, I began to notice a significant improvement. The knee pain lessened, and I started to feel better overall. After about two months, my knee pain disappeared completely, and I felt as if nothing had ever happened to my knee.


My journey taught me that with a strong mindset and by providing your body with what it needs — clean food, proper sleep, sunlight (vitamin D), and adequate hydration — you can overcome seemingly insurmountable problems. Sunlight, in particular, played a pivotal role in my recovery, highlighting its importance not just in drying clothes and nourishing crops but also in nourishing our bodies and spirits. So, if you find yourself facing a health challenge, don’t underestimate the healing power of the sun. Embrace it, and you might be surprised by the positive changes it brings to your life.



Rohit Saini

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